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The Cavers of the Batesville Region of Arkansas (COBRA) engage in recreational, educational and scientific cave exploration and conservation throughout the Ozark region.  The Grotto meets every first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in room 015 of the Derby Building on the Lyon College campus (Batesville, AR).


In 2007, two Lyon College biology professors - Drs. Dave Thomas and Mark Schram - incorporated cave exploration into their classes and research. Student and faculty interest in cave exploration grew, resulting in the founding of the COBRA Grotto in 2009.


Lyon College biologists - Dr. Dave Thomas and Dr. Cassia Oliveira - are identifying bacteria and other microorganisms in caves.  Dr. Thomas and his students also do long-term monitoring of cave communities. COBRA Grotto members often assist with these projects.


The COBRA Grotto encourages safe and responsible caving. Grotto members volunteer to guide new cavers, scouts, community groups, etc. Contact the president or vice-president for more information.

Get Started

The COBRA Grotto welcomes safe, responsible cavers.  Part of being safe and responsible includes using the right caving equipment.  One of the best places to start is by downloading and reading A Guide to Responsible Caving

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