C.O.B.R.A. Grotto
Caving photos and videos
This is by no means a comprehensive list of visual media, but it's a good place to start.

Photos on Flickr
Dave Thomas' extensive Flickr collection (click on the caving collections, which are organized by year).
Little Rock Grotto's Flickr collection.
Caving photo groups on Flickr:
Cavers, Caves and Caving Photos (CCCP)
Exploring Arkansas cave episodes
*Indicates episodes with the Thomas Lab/COBRA Grotto.
Bat Cave [Cord] (May 2016)*
Blanchard Spring Caverns, Dripstone Tour (February 2013)
Blanchard Spring Caverns, Wild Tour (January 2014)
Blowing Cave, Cushman (March 2019)*
Bull Shoals Cavern (June 2010)
Cave Point Cave (December 2011)*
Copperhead Cave (October 2006)
Cosmic Caverns (December 2014)
Devil's Den Caves (August 2006)
Exploring Arkansas' National Parks (January 2014)
Fitton/Beauty Cave (December 2014)
Hotel Island Mini-Caves (September 2015)
Lost Valley Caves - Cobb Cave, Eden Falls Cave (April 2007)
Mid-America Science Museum, Artificial Cave (August 2015)
Mystic Caverns (March 2008)
Lafferty Spring Cave (September 2017)*
Onyx Cave (May 2012)
Pedestal Rocks Ice Caves (April 2010)
Petit Jean State Park - Rockhouse Cave, Bear Cave (April 2007)
Slay Cave (March 2016)
Spanish Treasure Cave (May 2010)
Underground Wonders of Arkansas (Dec 2014)
Uno Cave (June 2008)
War Eagle Cavern, Wild Tour (January 2009)

Miscellaneous videos
The Battle for Bats - White Nose Syndrome
Biospeleology by Bill Doria
Cave animal video clips by Dave Thomas
COBRA Grotto video slide shows
Upward Bound Math-Science (UBMS) biospeleology group